English language

How to pronounce rise in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms arise, get up, turn out, uprise
Derivation riser
Type Words
Synonyms boost, cost increase, hike
Type of increase, increment

they asked for a 10% rise in rates.
Type Words
Synonyms resurrect, uprise
Type of return
Verb group resurrect, raise, upraise

Christ is risen!.
The dead are to uprise.
Type Words
Synonyms emanation, procession
Type of origination, inception, origin
Type Words
Synonyms ascension, ascent, rising
Type of travel, change of location
Has types raising, climb, climbing, elevation, heave, heaving, zoom, lift, liftoff, mounting, upthrust, upthrow, uplifting, rapid climb, rapid growth, uplift, takeoff, upheaval

they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon.
Type Words
Synonyms lift, rear
Type of look, appear, seem
Has types hulk, predominate, loom, tower
Type Words
Synonyms prove
Type of grow
Type Words
Synonyms ascend, come up, uprise
Type of come up, arise, uprise, go up, lift, move up

The sun also rises.
Type Words
Synonyms hike, raise, salary increase, wage hike, wage increase
Type of increment, increase
Type Words
Synonyms ascending, ascension, ascent
Type of motion, movement, move
Has types levitation, heaving, zoom, soar, climb, heave, mount
Type Words
Synonyms climb, mount, wax
Type of increase
Has types jump, gain, advance
Type Words
Synonyms lift
Type of wave, moving ridge
Type Words
Synonyms ascend, move up
Type of change
Type Words
Synonyms climb up, jump
Type of change
Type Words
Synonyms arise, develop, grow, originate, spring up, uprise
Type of become
Has types come, swell, come forth, well up, emerge, follow, resurge, head
Verb group develop
Type Words
Synonyms climb, go up
Type of grow
Has types soar, bull
Type Words
Synonyms acclivity, ascent, climb, raise, upgrade
Type of incline, side, slope
Has types uphill

the car couldn't make it up the rise.
Type Words
Synonyms arise, rebel, rise up
Type of resist, dissent, protest
Has types mutiny, revolt
Derivation rising
Type Words
Synonyms rising slope, upgrade
Type of grade
Type Words
Synonyms advance
Type of step-up, increase
Type Words
Synonyms heighten
Type of increase
Type Words
Synonyms come up, rise up, surface
Type of ascend, go up
Has types intumesce, resurface, swell, bubble up, emerge, well
Type Words
Synonyms arise, come up, go up, lift, move up, uprise
Type of travel, move, locomote, go
Has types chandelle, bubble, ascend, come up, climb up, climb, go up, mount, rocket, scend, skyrocket, soar, soar up, soar upwards, steam, surge, uplift, uprise, zoom
Derivation rising
Type Words
Synonyms arise, get up, stand up, uprise
Type of change posture
Has types take the floor
Derivation riser
Type Words
Type of outgrowth, growth, emergence
Has types crime wave, wave, spike
Type Words
Type of tackle, undertake, take on

rise to a challenge.
rise to the occasion.

Examples of rise

They attributed most of the rise to more victims being willing to report crimes.
From the tennessean.com
It expects tablet sales to rise to $46 billion in 2014 from $16 billion in 2010.
From the desmoinesregister.com
Both series feature a central character whose rise comes after a leader's death.
From the sacbee.com
Pianalto said that the rise in oil prices is unlikely to spread to other prices.
From the bloomberg.com
Demand for very large crude carriers, or VLCCs, could rise as much as 6 percent.
From the bloomberg.com
By 2021, interest costs will rise to $928 billion from the current $205 billion.
From the bloomberg.com
Transactions, however, are on the rise and local brokers say that's a good sign.
From the denverpost.com
Gains in Indonesian stocks may slow this year as valuations rise, Masassya said.
From the bloomberg.com
Typically, commodity prices rise at the end of a recovery, not at the beginning.
From the usatoday.com
More examples
  • A growth in strength or number or importance
  • Move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
  • Increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
  • The act of changing location in an upward direction
  • Arise: rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
  • Ascent: an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise"
  • 1985 debut single from 80's group Into A Circle, credited here as In Two A Circle
  • Rise is the first full-length debut album from Anew Revolution. The album was released on April 15th, 2008 via Koch Records. The songs "Rise", "Let Go" and "Saddest Song" return from the Revolution EP while "True Faith" returns from its original MySpace page incarnation. ...
  • Rise is an album by Anoushka Shankar released on September 27, 2005. This album was chosen as one of Amazon.com's Top 100 Editor's Picks of 2005 (#82). On previous recordings, she followed in the footsteps of her father, Ravi Shankar, by performing relatively traditional, raga-based music. ...